Questions You Should Ask when Comparing Internet Plans

When moving to a new area, it’s necessary to know which internet service provider options are available, since they might even be a factor in choosing where you move. There’s quite a lot to compare, and it’s often the minor differences that can really make the choice for you.

Even when staying where you are but needing better service, so looking for the best internet provider and planning for your specific needs can make a huge difference in your online experience.

Here’s what you should look for:

How’s the Customer Service?

While fast internet is great, if your connection goes out, quick and responsive customer service is also invaluable. Whether you work from home or run a small business, this is very important. You can judge how easy or difficult it is to address problems with an ISP by just looking at a few online surveys.

What Are the Installation and Equipment Costs?

Monthly plan pricing is usually what we look at first, but unexpected up-front costs from installation fees and expensive equipment can also place a lot of stress on your budget. It’s useful to know which ISPs offer more options, like an option to buy or rent equipment like modems and routers.

What Are the Data Caps and Overage Fees?

Since installation fees can be a nasty surprise, data caps and overage fees can also be a serious problem down the road. This is applicable if your plan has a hard data cap, as depending on the data you use in a month, a plan’s data limits might be a deal-breaker.

Are There Any Contracts Involved?

A low-priced plan just isn’t worth getting roped into a long contract. If you might be relocating or want to keep the option to switch providers, ISPs offering plans with no monthly contract actually might be worth the trade-off.

Are There Any Guarantees?

A number of providers have plans targeted toward small businesses guaranteeing constant connection, quick tech support, and other benefits.

Do They Commit to Quality?

Some service providers have service-level agreements that will lay out network expectations such as latency, downtime, and MTTR outages.

Depending on your situation, these factors might or might not matter at all, and it’s important to know which ones matter to you. Once you know what you need, it’s time to compare the options at hand.