Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Comparing Symptoms

There are two major types of diabetes, namely, Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, with both forms of diabetes being chronic diseases affecting the way your body regulates its blood sugar or glucose.

This is the fuel that feeds your body’s cells but in order to enter your cells, it needs a key. Insulin is exactly that.

Those suffering from type 1 diabetes don’t naturally produce insulin. People with type 2 diabetes usually don’t respond to insulin as well as they should and, later in the disease, don’t make enough of it.

Here are some of the symptoms of diabetes if left unmanaged:

– Frequent Urination

– Increased thirst and the need to drink a lot of water

– Increased hunger

– Increased fatigue

– Developing blurry vision

– Getting cuts or sores that don’t heal properly

People with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes may also experience symptoms such as unintentional weight loss, irritability, and mood changes. Some more common symptoms include numbness and tingling in their hands or feet.

Some risk factors for type 1 diabetes include:

– Family history: Those with a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes usually have a higher risk of developing it.

– Age: Though Type 1 diabetes can appear at any age, it’s most common among children and adolescents.

– Geography: The prevalence of it increases the farther away you get from the equator.

– Genetics: Certain genes point to an increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes.

Some risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes are:

– If you have prediabetes, or even slightly elevated blood sugar levels

– If you are carrying excess weight or suffer from obesity

– If you have a lot of belly fat in general

– If you live a sedentary lifestyle and are physically inactive

What Causes Diabetes?

In those with type 1 diabetes, their immune system mistakes the body’s own healthy cells for foreign invaders and then attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.

In people with type 2 diabetes, their bodies develop insulin resistance, so while the body still produces insulin, it’s unable to use it effectively.

Though researchers aren’t currently sure why those with diabetes have bodies that behave this way, extensive research is underway and there are many ways of controlling diabetes with techniques like lifestyle changes and modern medicine.