Comparing Popular Sales Management Software

Today’s business industry is very competitive and complex, and with the recent demands from clients, a company has no option but to cope with these interactions to thrive.

One of the instruments used by progressive companies to deal with changes in corporates is called sales management software, or Customer Relationship Management software. Here is a handy list of software for sales management to help with your decision.


With more than 16 years of supporting small-scale businesses using expert assistance from people who have been successful in the sales industry, Infusionsoft helps you analyze business leads by optimizing engagement with your audience, improve your business conversion rates to cater directly to clients, better your fluency in ecomm with a hassle-free online shopping experience.

OnContact CRM

Contact Center and Mobile functionality with its built-in Marketing Automation, has many selling points, one of which is its ‘all-inclusive single price’ which provides an easier purchasing decision for clients. With 15 years of existence in the sales industry, OnContact supports businesses by assisting them with difficult sales operations tasks to let them streamline their transaction processes.

Maximizer CRM

Maximizer is a software solution that equips your company with a competitive advantage by helping you maximize lead generation, manage pipelines to shorten your sales cycles, close more deals and increase revenue, and even allows you to deliver great customer service. Extremely transparent in their website, they include a list of figures from their many case studies to show their effectiveness as a CRM software.

Salesforce Work

This software guarantees that your business has efficient service and effective marketing. It has created what they refer to as Cloud Services, a division dedicating its services to maximizing your business’ ROI. Salesforce has developed a personalized Standard Success Plan to smoothen out your processes. Salesforce also gives you the chance to work with their specialists and consultants to help you further in your day-to-day operations and even educates you by training and certifying you as experts in sales.


The Base software is as simple as its name, providing simplified navigation through its interface. It is efficient on any device it is installed in, guaranteeing 6-times faster implementation of data, seamless tracking of activity, and more.